Sunday, September 30, 2012

A quote

"Is the system going to  flatten you. Deny you your humanity, or are you going to be able to make use of the system to the attainment of human purposes?"

Joseph Campbell

A new day

Today is a new day, I can't wait.
Anything could happen, things can go great.
Things can either go up or down.
A smile is the best cure for a frown.
Walking around the block, just being careful.
Seeing myself as someone who is helpful.
I have learn a lot from my time in here.
Talking to the staff helps me get into gear.
As the day goes by I often wonder, why am I here ?
I've cried a lot, I don't have any more tears.
I no longer go on about the mistakes that I have made.
That time has passed, it is time for today.
What more is there to say about what has happened.
I messed up, accepted it , and have to live with what I done.
If I don't learn from it, then I will be wrong about what to do next.
Work on myself first and pray for the best.


To fight for a cause that you believe in.
In that case, go for it you can win.
Believe in something that matter to you.
People laugh at your idea, does that make you a fool?
It doesn't matter what other people may say.
Don't let their words ruin your day.
Going far for someone means something.
Who knows what the next day will bring.
Revenge is a desire that will never be fulfilled.
To deal with life and the obstacle it gives take a strong will.

What goes on in my head.

Days, weeks, month ,and years.
All that time, so many tears.
I really didn't know what I became.
For you I would do anything.
The time you visited, those times you called.
That time has passed and now its fall.
The people in here just want to go home.
Day by day I can hear their moans.
Will they be happy? only time will tell.
People shouldn't just leave them here and say oh well
I have been hear for only five day.
When I first got here, I was really afraid.
I thought to myself, let me turn into someone good.
Instead of bottling up my feelings, I can act like I should.

The start

It’s a new day, but why do I feel so low.
Wondering to myself, where did my soul go.
I don’t see any exits or anyone who cares.
 I see only strangers who do nothing, but stare.
Those are eyes always to seem to bring me down.
When I walk with a straight face, people see a frown.
I am not a negative person although I do get angry.
When people only mention that and not when I am happy.
Positive reinforcement would help me better.
Having faith in myself, my confidence would be greater.
The past is there to remind us what not to do.
Like pushing people away who are close to you.
Taking care of me won’t be too hard.
I only make it hard if I don’t take time to start.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


At first i felt as if i had no home.
No life or no hope.
Where did everyone go.?
Will life ever be the same?
I feel as if i am the one to blame.
To cope with it all, to not go insane.
Bring balance to force that is within me.
To not act reckless and actually do some thinking.
Right now, i need to take care of things.
My mind is far from clear.
Repeating my mistakes from the last four years.
Thinking that life is hard but God is near.
He watches over me and tells me what to say.
I thank God for being alive on this day.
Letting me know that it will be OK.