Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Different Thinking lead to Different Outcomes.

At times I think people who think differently should go their separate ways.
You can't force an idea into someone else head or tell them what to say
I know it hurts when a person doesn't want to be around you anymore.
Hard as is it, I had to walk through that door.
Have no idea where to go, wanting to roam.
Roaming because I feel alone.
What is your advice in that situation is there anything at all.
How does one benefit from taking a fall.
You cast me aside to help yourself get better, not very thoughtful.
Even still I haven't changed at all, actually trying to be helpful.
I have been cast aside, but I am not like you.
Seeing if you're OK, even if it's not something that you do.
Is that good thing, maybe not.
I care. is it a crime? If so then let me rot.
Not everyone has a person that they could talk with.
Lending my hand to everyone I can, I have no limit.
I don't like traitors at all, waiting and scheming.
I thought we were cool, why would you do that to me.
Plotting my downfall while I was sitting with them.
If  there was a moment, to calm down and to think.
To let the boat sail and not let it sink.
Life could be a bit easier.
It's not though but i guess I can catch a breather.
Every once in a while.
So freaking hard to smile.
While all this bad is just popping up everywhere.
At least God is there to care.
Not to ditch me, or to make up some reason.
Everything has a purpose and a meaning.
Like the road to one's destiny.
Who knows where I will end up.
Letting my anger get to me is dumb.
I am stronger than that.
Helping people, I take it to the max.
Like a mountain, It takes time to climb.
I don't have to be in the dark forever. In the end the sun will shine.

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