"Where do you think you're going without me"?
The man with battered cape and scarred armor appears!
Jin asks " Who are you?" The knight laughs and says it's me, John.
Jin tells him that he doesnt know anyone by that name. John: "you can't be serious we trained together for 3 years and you dont remember my face"." Hmm well let me remind you "
Master Monk: "That's Enough Tell us why you are here"? John refuses to say more and keeps his eyes focused on Jin.
This man appeared out of nowhere but who is he?
As a child,
John liked to lead others into make-believe battles. He would shout out "thou art mine villain which the other kids would laugh at him for it. He would respond by grabbing his trusty branch and swing it in all directions. He then makes an oath to help out the oppressed people of the world.
One night on his way home John is ambushed by the Dark Scorpion Gang.
Their boss Don Zaloog approaches John and says "Hey kid want to work for us?"
John looks up to the boss and tells him " I am a leader, not gonna follow you around."Bleh.
The don chuckles to himself and say smart mouth but it wont save you. Don Zaloog pulls out a knife and throws it at John's head. Pulling out his trusty branch, he deflects it with ease. The whole gang looks at John with their mouths wide open. "Impressive" says Zaloog now i give you a brief example of what i am capable of.
The don chuckles to himself and say smart mouth but it wont save you. Don Zaloog pulls out a knife and throws it at John's head. Pulling out his trusty branch, he deflects it with ease. The whole gang looks at John with their mouths wide open. "Impressive" says Zaloog now i give you a brief example of what i am capable of.
Don Zaloog rolls back his eye patch and bright light shines from it. John covers his eyes. He then is attacked simultaneously
and is knocked out."That kid was something else eh boss" says Gorg 
"A cute kid like that ought be with us" says Meanae
Cliff fixes his Glasses and then tells Zaloog that they hould leave now and to take the boy with them in case someone comes to look for him.