Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Curious Traveler Adventures Part 2

Chapter 5: The Training Begins

Jin is determined to get stronger since his battle with Dark Blade. He asks Master Monk if he could train with him. The Master flicks his beard and responds with a simple nod. Jin bows and shows his thanks.
Master Monk then asks Jin to follow him and takes Jin inside the temple. Walking toward the training hall, Jin notices a large red sword that is hanging on the wall. Curious Jin asks the Master about the sword, but The master tells him not to worry about it. Shrugging his shoulders, Jin mutters to himself saying that he has seen that sword before. At last they reach the training hall. In the training hall the Master turns turns around and gives Jin a serious look. Without warning the Master attacks him. Confused as to why this is happening, Jin dodges the Master severe blows knowing if  he were to get hit it would cause serious damage. Running all about the training hall he knows that he has no chance but then he remembers the sword on the wall. Running as fast as he can toward the weapon, the master isnt to far behind. Jin Reaches the sword but is unable to unsheathe it. He tugs and it finally gets free. Jin takes his stance to counter-attack when suddenly the master asked where did you learn that stance. Swiftly moving toward the master he is able to land blow on the master only for the Master to block it. With 3 moves from the Master Jin is knocked unconscious.

Jin appears to be in spirit form looking at himself. Unsure on what is going he floats around until he finds a tablet with an image of warrior holding the red sword. Underneath are these words:

From the North, the winds blows gently.
From the west, the fire burns fiercely.
Toward the south, water flows freely.
In the east, the earth is sturdy.

A gust of wind blows the spirit of Jin away and he wakes up holding his head.

The Master is looking over him asking "what happened'? Refusing to answer he demands to know why
the master attacked him. The master smiles and tells him I was holding back to test you. I wanted to see what you are capable of.  You have skill especially with the sword.  Jin tells the master that he barely knows how to handle a sword let alone fight with one. 'Hmm Interesting" says Master Monk while he flicks his beard.

Master Monk tells his student to ask Caam to come Main hall and tells Jin to come as well.

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