Monday, December 30, 2013

An attempt to Rap. lol Inspired by Dr.Dre

Ya know me.
Guy who hates fighting,
Always writing
Poem fresh outta my head.
I must be alive cause I ain't dead.
Earning my keep, Making dat bread.
Wondering what live has in store.
Is it less or is it more.
Walking out the door.
Breathing in and seeing the sky.
I must be high.
High with positivity
Fall back with that negativity.
I don't need that S**T
Not goin make me it's B**ch.
I am a man.
Man who understand.
I do what i can.
What i'm able to do.
Not hear to impress you.
All that S**t I went through, not cool.
We all fall.
I dust myself off and stand tall.
I'm here for yall.

My friends and Family that support me.

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