Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Nightmare Part 1

As I close my eyes for the night.
I shake a lot and wake up with a fright.
Did I just have nightmare?
The images I saw made me realize I was scared.
Destruction of a town with my own hands.
How could I have done this? I don't understand.
Hearing the laughter behind me I turn around.
Shadowy figure that talks with hissing sound.
Its all your faultssss. Everyone is Dead because of you.
Don't be afraid, you anger is just one of many tools.
Suffering, then resentment and finally Hatred.
These things have made you go far.
Now all that's left is to leave behind that caring heart.
I see that scenario in my head.
All those people dead.
Capable of doing something like this?
Why would I want to exist.

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