Tuesday, May 13, 2014

So close and yet so far.

Whenever I try to get close, I end up far.
I know I don't know what the signs are.
So damn confusing.
Feels like I am always losing.
 So, Here I am again
Trying to understand
You and what you are all about.
Thinking you're slick with your smart mouth.
Telling me that I am cheap.
Saying mean things cause you think I am weak.
Well I got news for you.
That attitude you carry don't make you  look cool.
It makes you look like a sad excuse.
Treating me like shit.
You wonder why men refer to you as a bitch.
All these different reason on why you won't date this guy.
Got a nigga at home staring at the phone , thinking why.
After all the senseless drama, I have my mind made up.
Like tupac says " I just don't give fuck".
I aint desperate or thirsty.
Just would like to find someone who is worthy.

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