Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bringing Myself out of the past

It been 3 months and I have lost something.
Bits and pieces of my memory.
School is hard for me and hard for me to focus.
All these distractions coming at me like a swarm of locusts.
I want to excel and make myself proud.
I can't wait for it, I have to do something now.
Sure I play cards but that's not all I want to do.
I would like to learn something benefiting to me to.
I thank God that I have friends and family as well.
To be happy with myself and not fall down into hell.
I do feel like no one is there at times.
That is the depression committing a crime.
Making me believe something that isn't true.
Man, that just not cool.
God is there for me and my friends are also with me.
As well as my family.
Depression is a pain in the ass.
Bringing up that bad moments from the past.
I have accepted what has happen and learned from it.

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