Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Collection of thoughts

At last I feel no more anxiety.
Am I ready to face society?
Feeling the pain, I know it will heal.
To use my voice to express how I feel.
God above and my friends that are there.
Smiles all around and laughter in the air.
Being a role model to the little ones.
Showing them they can have fun.
Right now, I understand what is truly important.
To take care of myself and to be considerate of others.
People who lend a hand because they want to matter to me.
It helps to separate those who care from those who don't.
Why should I be so concern with people looking at me?
It is sad enough that they are doing that despite they could be doing something else.
I have problems but I don't want to harm others with it.
However, I should take the time to express it.
By writing or just playing a video game.
I only have one life and I need to learn as much as possible .
At times I feel like I should give up.
Falling behind the others in class.
Can't remember the basics.
I pray for the answer on how to solve this problem.
I still have 3 more classes to pass.
God I will put all the effort I have in to those three.
Lend me your hands,
Working together to build something new.
I maybe down now, but then I stand back up.
It happens to the best of us, but I know I can't give up.
Clear my mind and remember that school is important.
Also that I am not alone.
I am a adult, but I am still a student.

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