Monday, September 9, 2013

Narrow road to destiny.

I want to live a life full of positive feelings.
Yet all that exist around me is negativity.
Thinking that i can go far and escape.
Yea, Big Mistake.
It follows me where ever I go.
Like someone forcing their opinion down my throat.
I look for a hand but it's not there.
Shaking my head and saying so fair.
Is it up to me?
Being Lonely.
Feeling Empty.
Nothing to satisfy me.
I really don't like being this way.
Not like this each and every day.
Put my hands together and pray.
Lord  please help me find a way.
Change the way I think and feel.
What I go through each day is real.
Feeling Hungry but don't want to eat.
The pain hurts, so I try to get some sleep.
I can't sleep and the nightmare goes on and on.
Struggling and fighting until its all gone.
I wake up tired and with out energy
I still have things to do.
Before I walk outside i say one last thing before i leave the room.
Thank you Lord for sparing my life.
You are my Guide.
Guide me to my destination.
Allow me to overcome this dire situation.
Show me that i am better than them.
That i'm not ignorant. I'm able to understand.
As a man.
I am learning what drives me.
Driving me on that narrow road to my destiny.

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