Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Darkness Holds me

I hear myself going on and on about I'm stuck
The people that stare at me don't give a fuck.
All around me those eyes are.
Staring at from the inside of a car.
I wish i knew what to do.
Other than go to my room.
There the depression begins and ends.
it creeps up on me when I'm alone.
When no one messages or calls me on the phone.
I crawl into bed
Holding my head.
Not moving as if i were dead.
Going down instead.
Into the black abyss.
That Heavy darkness
I don't see a way out.
I cannot get past these walls of doubt.
No motivation and a lack of will.
I feel empty and unfulfilled.
Want things to change
 Yet, Things stay the same.
Body feels weak.
Head feels like i just got beat.
Can't even enjoy the end of the week.
Got work on Monday, Oh lovely.

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