Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thinking about love in the New Year.

Staying inside the room,
That is all I do.
Wish I could do something new.
I keep thinking of you.
What you are doing?
How are you feeling?
I wonder about these things.
Can I admit to you? What would bring.
Would it bring a smile?
would you want me to be far away for a while.
I must wait for her to come find me.
Is that my destiny.
Time doesn't wait for anyone.
I have to continue to work, no time for fun.
This sucks, I'm only looking for one.
I wouldn't where to start.
Only that I know how to be far apart.
I see you and recognize your beauty.
That's only a part of the mystery.
I would like to know more about her.
Would this make this things better?
I hope so.
I find myself going through pain the most.
for these people I like.
Maybe they are right.
So give me the chance to fight.
I want to be there.
Isn't that at least fair?

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