Monday, March 10, 2014

Street Talk( Inspired By Robert De Niro)

You want to help me, I want to help you.
I don't want help someone who uses me as a tool.
My kindness is for the people I choose.
Don't like it, pack ur shit up and move.
I'm here for me, not for you.
When I was too trusting ,
I was the fool.
My mind couldn't exist without something being there.
Sure being alone without someone to care.
Totally fair.
The thoughts are like puffs of smoke.
Harmless at first then I start to choke.
Dwelling on the past makes life unbearable.
Telling that information, have to be careful.
Who knows who's a rat.
Who knows who might stab you in the back.
Gotta be careful as walk down the street.
Not everyone you meet is friendly.

1 comment:

  1. ���� you could also name this, who knows who's a rat =)
