Saturday, June 14, 2014

Death Talks ( A note)

Outside the cold wind blows.
Feeling that somewhere Death is close.
All the feeling in my body goes numb.
Holding my head. feeling pretty dumb.
Where to go from here ?
Time to disappear.
Away from everyone and everything.
Sadness is the only thing that I bring.
Listening to folk saying this and that.
Those cold and insulting facts.
I can only ignore so much.
Now its time for me to erupt.
I have talked about it for so long.
It seems like everything that I do is wrong.
out of all these thoughts that exist in my mind.
Nothing is more certain that wanting to die.
To not exist.
To take the risk.
Say nothing and disappear like a ghost.
Here and gone like a puff of smoke.

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