Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fighting my way Out.

Coming and Going. Is that all you know.
Making Someone feel good and then just letting go.
The same thing over and over again.
What is it that I'm not able to understand.
These games you play.
Going at it for days.
Is that all you know how to do.
Making someone feel like they a chance.
Feels like I've been doing the same dance.
Yet nothing changes, I have to move forward.
Going out the door and trying not to look backward
I like when i have that special feeling.
You know the one that has meaning.
Yet every time i get close I get smack down.
There never is a smile on my face. Just a frown.
Frown because things aren't fair.
That is life and people don't care.
Used and always confused.
I do my best not be rude.
Holding myself from what i truly want to say.
Honestly will I ever have a good day ?
Always in my shell.
Leaving it I always find hell.
Wondering what am i doing wrong.
Its like listening to a chorus from a horrible song.
I like you and you like me.
But they was just using you, can't you see ?
You felt like this and I was feeling like that.
All these mixed signal makes me feel like crap.
After all that shit, you think its cool to be friends.
Fuck you and the friend zone.
The End

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