Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The New Year

The new year has begun.
I stand tall as if I had won.
This tiring battle has worn me out.
 Learning not to give in to fear and doubt.
I am 24 years old. I am not getting any younger.
It's the faith in God that brings me closer together.
Closer to my friends, closer to my family.
Following the path that God has set before me.
Letting the little things, get me all upset.
Allowing myself to get confused, not sure what to do next.
I focus my mind and begin to calm down.
This year It is about the smiles not the frowns.
I will continue to write as I always do.
Through my faith, I know I will come through.
Thanking God each time I pray.
Becoming stronger each day.
It's time that I stopping thinking about past.
I'm tired of feeling sad.
Although I been through a lot, I will not hold a grudge.
Things do happen, even though at times it sucks.
I feel a lot better now, understanding what I did
I will keep going for as long I live.

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