Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tired of these MFs

Going far for someone is it worth it?
Not when the result you feeling like shit.
Hanging my head like I just got dissed.
All that for nothing man I'm pissed.
These folks are something else.
Asking for my help
Why am I the last resort?
Why is it there is always something more ?
I don't ask for very much.
Just tired of looking Down, need to look up .
This path I take is a long walk.
Should I just stay quiet and not talk.
Should I let things be the way they are.
Hell no, why should you get so far?
I work hard.
Doing right by others.
I'm tired of these motherf**kers.
Here to make me feel like crap.
Hoping to push my buttons so I  can just snap
I don't want to regret
I hope for the best.
Helping others until Its my time to rest.

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