Wednesday, February 5, 2014

At least its something.

Living life with a smile on my face.
Moving around going from place to place.
I wave and say hello to everyone.
I'm outside laughing and having fun.
I like feel that positive reaction.
But, Happiness is only part of the fraction.
Where there is Happiness, Darkness waits.
Waiting for the right time to make its escape.
As it lurks in the shadows
Fear and Doubt also Follow.
Planning to corrupt the day.
Turning into some tragic play.
Suddenly I find myself lost in the mist.
Holding my head wondering why do i exist.
Wandering around hoping to find the way back.
Thinking that.
I have bad days and some good ones.
Its not over and I'm not done.
I'm still alive.
That's something right ?

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