Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What really Happens at school.- A true Story.

During his break,  a guy was walking around.
Keeping to himself not making a sound.
Pulling out his notebook he begins to write.
As he looks up, he sees a pretty sight.
A Girl who walks into the room.
Her presense seems to erase all that gloom.
She sits one table away.
Thinking if they could talk, that would make his day.
Taking a chance, he goes over and says hi.
She just looks up and goes back to what she was doing.
Damn, That cold feeling.
He thinks to himself, is there something wrong.
All he would like is just to get along.
Sure, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
What is that suppose to mean?
At times He gets frustrated and walk out.
His mind filled with anger and doubt.
Believing that he meant to stay in the friend zone.
Starts to really wish that he was gone.
Toward the end of the day, he ends up a familiar spot.
A place with that high enough to make a drop.
He leans over the railing and closes his eyes.
Is this it? Do I really want to die ?
Suddenly he sees something.
Something that opens his eyes to endless possibilities.
Almost falling down to his death.
He grabs the railing, and takes a deep breath.
Laying on the  wall.
Grateful that he didn't fall.
He makes his way outstide.
Smiling that he sees the sun shining in the sky.

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