Thursday, February 6, 2014

Loves mean Something, So why do I get Rejected.

What is wrong with me?
What is it that I am not seeing ?
All I said was that I like you.
So why do I end up feeling like a fool.
Is it do wrong to be attracted to someone.
Being rejected is something that happens often.
It makes things that much more difficult.
To find a person like that would take a miracle.
I find myself feeling sad about it.
The thought of crying, trying to resist.
Thinking that no woman would ever love me.
Even though I make an effort, all you see is thirsty.
Do you even what love is or what it means ?
Putting aside yourself for something worthwhile.
Feeling loves makes even an unhappy person smile.
That is what I aim for.
I'm not playing that chase game, there's the door.
Caring for what the person is about.
Overcoming the wave of rejection and doubts.
Love is something I consider important.
To share that feeling and let it remain constant.
If all you see what I look like and base it off that.
You won't find what you are looking for, might as well go back.

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