Wednesday, October 17, 2012

More Pain and a Realization

Pain, It hurts a lot.
It sucks more when you connect the dots.
Hearing the truth makes me think twice.
About company who I thought was nice.
You get mad so you do what you want.
I get upset and it makes me want to run.
Run away and live in a cave forever.
I don't want to think like that ever.
No one is perfect, everyone has flaws.
Talking down and judging me, who made you the boss?
Not wanting anything to do with me.
Not wanting to argue, maybe that is destiny.
Feeling uncomfortable wanting to get space.
When I look at you, no expression on your face.
I have let it go, no going back.
Not really wanting another panic attack.
Talking to the doctor and taking meds.
I wish it could have worked out instead.
I said I would change and that is what I am doing.
Doing this for myself. Regret is time consuming.
Accept it for what has happen and to not repeat it.
I have taken enough hits.
Learning from my mentor who guides me.
Telling me I can do great things.
I am willing to stand my family and my friends.
I fell out of the comfort zone, becoming a man.
Losing track of time, I was dependent on others.
Lose sense of myself, I couldn't face my brothers.
To be role model for them showing confidence and strength.
Having support in life and knowing what it meant.
That God is there, rooting for you.
He tells me not to give up so soon.
So I pick up my head and look at the sky.
I found my answer and know I know why.
I am here to help for no benefit at all.
People who tend to get greedy, sink and fall.

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