Monday, October 15, 2012

What goes on in my head 4

At times, I have no motivation to want to do anything.
I know I am not the only one, there are many.
Problems show up no matter where you are.
Anger will get you somewhere but not far.
That path will lead you to be lost somewhere.
Thinking that people are emotionless and they don't care.
In fact, that is just negative thinking.
What are you really keeping ?
Your feelings for someone or something else.
Before it gets really bad, seek help.
 You cant help anyone but you.
I tried being there for everyone, but I failed at that too.
Speaking for someone when they should do for them.
are they even considerate?, do they give a damn?
All these questions hurt my head.
At times like this I wished I blacked out instead.
When  you at least suspect it, helps does come.
Friends who show support and tell you to have fun.
Bad people who betray others.
At times I wonder, were they raised by their mothers.
When you're little, you are taught right from wrong.
Holding yourself together and whistling a song.
Being told that i am still young and yet I am adult.
When bad things happen, I always say its my fault.
I mostly am the one who apologizes.
Seeing my mistakes and recognizing.
That I am not a bad man.
People should not judge me, only God Can.
As time moves forward, so shall I .
I will not turn my back on others, if so I will cry.
I am only one man, but I do as I should.
I want to be remembered for doing something good.
My little brother who looks up to me.
Tells that he cares, I start smiling.
All is not lost, as I thought before.
It was right there all along, have to walk through the door.
To see all the people that cared, and that haven't left.
Thank you lord for all you done, you are the best.

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