Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Going Forward.

Today is a new day, the sun is shining.
Writing the truth, no point in lying.
Thanking God for this day.
I will not remain quiet, I have plenty to say.
All alone, feeling upset and depressed.
All those random thoughts popping up in my head.
At times I really didn't know what to do.
Looking really lost trying to find my shoe.
I have to calm down, focus my mind.
I am not all bad, I'm considerate and kind.
Going forward and not looking back.
If I am going somewhere, let me take plenty of snacks.
I would like to be balanced and aware.
When the storm comes, I will not be scared.
Instead I will help as many as I can.
People should take the time to understand.
I am not a bad person, I do make mistakes.
Realizing that there is some good to be made.
Putting my foot down and taking control of my life.
Going forward one day at time.

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