Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Introduction about me

 In this room there is only one person here,  me. Why do I exist?
What is out there for me? I work at a convenience store 4 days out of the week.
I go to school 5 days a week. At times I do feel like no one is there.
I feel like those characters on the ninja anime Naruto. Especially Gaara.
My enemies are out there so i have to be careful.
I don't fear them but my heart races each time I see them.
at times I don't know what to do with myself.
In Order to exist in the world I must find myself.
I wish I knew what that meant.
With no one to show me the way.
I have to make my own way in this world.
Well I am not technically alone.
I know that God is watching over me.
and that i have friends who listen to my stories.
My family from time to time.
Helps me and gives me advice.
I like yugioh and I am surrounded by cards.
It's kinda my thing.
So is writing and that explains why I am doing that now.
Who Am I?
My name is Steven... and This is my story.

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