Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Overcoming Myself


I have a problem yes I do.
Is there something that I have done to you?
If I did something then I will say I am sorry.
Can I be forgiven? who knows. Probably.
I don't like being alone and yet I must wait.
Waiting for that person put to a smile on my face.
Going out there to look is waste of time.
It takes of lot of effort to make two lines rhyme.
At times I would just like to talk to someone.
It's hard to happiness but it easy to find a gun.
A gun to end all the pain.
Doing that and nothing would be the same.
I would lose everything.
Nothing would be left just me in the dark.
The end result of running into a shark.
Stress is the cause of all this.
It makes me lose my mind over nonsense.
Making me believe things that aren't really there.
Like everyone I walk past is giving me a stare.
I have to let go.
People can talk,What do they know?
I am who I am. I walk my own path.
Here to defend not to attack.

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