Thursday, November 22, 2012

Getting Fed Up

I am sitting down in a room, just thinking.
I don't even move and I'm not blinking.
Those terrible words echo inside my head.
It's all about me, Hearing that makes me feel dead.
Like what the hell have I been doing with my life.
I don't want to bottle up all the stress till I die.
I thought I was doing right by helping others.
Going out of my way, looking out for one another.
Those people are just like me, Human Beings.
They can talk, but they don't even know me.
Leaving the hospital to experience the real world.
Those few weeks the pain was so intense, I wanted to hurl.
Reminding myself that I still have work and school.
The people left standing, still think I am cool.
At least that enough to bring a smile to face.
Why can't the smile last ? Why does it have to fade.
I notice that I hardly ever smile at all.
Can I pick myself after talking that hard fall.
I was never better than the next man.
I didn't prepare myself nor did I have plan.
My faith, I was really losing it.
Like death touched me with a kiss.
No! I will not fade away.
Today might bad but tomorrow is another day.
Who are they to tell me what I am.
Damn it, I have God and my Faith,
That is what I have that makes me

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