Friday, December 6, 2013

Realizing where I am.

I start at the base and look toward the top.
My brain is focused, there is no way to stop.
I reach for the stub
Giving it a tug
I need to establish my grip.
One wrong move and that's it.
Holding on and seeing what's around me.
Should I hang on or take the leap.
Leaping was reckless
Left with big scratches.
As I look toward the sky
Scratching my head wondering why?
 Why can't I reach the top.
To have come so far and be stuck with a block.
The same block that prevents me
from accessing that untapped potential.
Because I act as I am
and no that doesn't make mental.
I will go through life being myself
For the world, and my future.
I'm will not change into someone else.

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