Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cracks in my brain

I see myself on a ledge looking down.
Its cold and dark and there is no one around.
Not moving and not making a sound.
Tears flowing followed by a frown.
How did I end up here ?
 Surrounded around by all my fears.
Its been some years 
Since I've held something dear.
Close to my heart.
Times before I would just fall apart.
I hate to lose something.
Losing something that means a lot me.
I don't want that.
Sealing off the cracks In my brain 
Depression makes everything sound the same.
That's why there is change.
So I never have to go back to that again.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Only a few

I look at everyone and I see only a few.
Only a few ?
Really out of all those people I only see a few.
Those people that I see  are my friends.
Those few friends I know sticking to the end.
it's not much but hey I see  it all now.
I don't need to be in the center of the crowd.
I'm fine right where I am.
At least I know where I stand
I don't complain and I do what I can.
For the friends who are there who see what I can do.
Thanks for reaching out helping me pull through.
Out of hell.
Recovering and doing well.
I leave behind the regrets
Regrets hinder me from finding out what happened next.

Friday, December 5, 2014

A note that shouldnt come to pass

Why must this happen again.
Why do I want all this to end.
I see myself with no much option left.
Once I go I can never go back thatis death.
This pain I feel in my heart wont fade away.
Lasting thru the night into the next day.
I really can't sleep.
I really can't eat.
I feel so shitty with no way to fix this .
I'm always getting myself into some shit.
What is the purpose of my existence.
To be a contradiction of what I'm suppose to be.
The man who follows his heart and his destiny.
But now what does he do.
Doesn't have a clue.
where does he go ?
Nobody knows
The only thing to know is that he should be alone.
Far from anyone or anything.
He hurts ppl who get close to him.
Always take the blame.
Holding his head down in shame.
He really just wants to quit this game.
 But it's not a game it real life.
Struggling to stay away from the knife.
In the silence of night.
He just wants to say he is sorry
Sorry for everything .....

Friday, August 22, 2014

Love in a few words..

Love finds it way in to my mind.
That feeling that is so gentle and kind.
It allows me to be at peace.
It makes the negativity flee.
It makes life well worth it.
To wake up each morning and say I exist.
Thanking God for what he has done for me.
Telling me life isn't so depressing.

The Goal In life for Me

When I see someone I know walking down the street.
Some acknowledge and other pretend to see me.
I do what I do because it is my purpose in life.
My purpose in life to be the best person I can be.
Continue to do the right thing.

The Lonely man writes again.

Loneliness Often speaks to me.
It tells me that it's good to be lonely.
Why Do I find it hard to believe that.
Being Alone, it makes most of us snap.
I prefer to be alone to make a recovery.
Recovering from negativity.
It is a necessity.
I can't go on and continue hide away in my shell.
There is another world other than hell.
It does exist and I will go to it.
Even if my progress is just a little bit.
Taking my time equals less mistakes.
Believe that I can do something right with my life.
I can go farther with myself.
Of course I wont be alone I will have help.
There are some who encourage me to believe in myself.
God has kept me alive this long.
I should trust his judgement, he's not wrong.

Just Aint Right U know

It ain't right to be ignored. Especially when you trying to reach out.
Ain't nobody got any time for that. Time to turn up and be out.
But what if that's not me.
What if I just want to reach out because I had a rough day.
If you had a rough day and I knew about it i would be there.
Its messed up when how nobody sees what the problem is.
They say to me: you're the problem you dwell much in the past.
You take thing way to literally. Lighten up and all that.
Well I was never shown how to just let things go and you know why
Because I am Emotional
Is that a crime ?
At least I'm open with what I have to say.
Don't even have a reason why you didn't say hello today.
This is not making it all about me.
This is a simple courtesy.
You don't have to say everyday. I'm  just asking about your well-being. 
I ain't related to you but do I need a reason to care about you.
That's OK, Let me be.
I know where my mind is and every day it 
Drifts further and further away.
Away from the negative talk about me.
 Truth is that everyday is struggle for me.
 I don't wake up thinking that the world is out to get me.
The actions and words of people I encounter everyday contribute to that.

Think before you speak about someone else.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Despair to Relief....

Tossing and Turning in my Sleep
Wake up feeling  weak.
Stumbling as I stand on my own two feet.
Not sure where to go.
Just standing there and saying I don't know
Where Lord, Please show me there is hope.
So I don't just sit here and mope.
Even though I have the thought to disappear.
I should be careful because Death could be near.
Will I make it to another year ?
I sure hope I do.
I should be happy instead of feeling blue.
I would like to find something new.
Even when I wait I am often teased.
All this pressure makes it hard to breathe.
Trying to Find that moment of relief.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Alone with myself.

In my mind, i only see myself alone.
Everyone has already left and gone.
I'm left behind and I don't know why.
Walking and struggling not to cry.
Sad to see me like this.
I'm want to remain unknown but I also want to exist.
Don't want to be hurt again.
So I keep my distance.
Where does that put me ?
An endless loop of procrastinating.
I'm so fixiated on not wanting to be alone.
I try to hold  on but my hope is gone.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fighting my way Out.

Coming and Going. Is that all you know.
Making Someone feel good and then just letting go.
The same thing over and over again.
What is it that I'm not able to understand.
These games you play.
Going at it for days.
Is that all you know how to do.
Making someone feel like they a chance.
Feels like I've been doing the same dance.
Yet nothing changes, I have to move forward.
Going out the door and trying not to look backward
I like when i have that special feeling.
You know the one that has meaning.
Yet every time i get close I get smack down.
There never is a smile on my face. Just a frown.
Frown because things aren't fair.
That is life and people don't care.
Used and always confused.
I do my best not be rude.
Holding myself from what i truly want to say.
Honestly will I ever have a good day ?
Always in my shell.
Leaving it I always find hell.
Wondering what am i doing wrong.
Its like listening to a chorus from a horrible song.
I like you and you like me.
But they was just using you, can't you see ?
You felt like this and I was feeling like that.
All these mixed signal makes me feel like crap.
After all that shit, you think its cool to be friends.
Fuck you and the friend zone.
The End

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dealing with letting go.

Letting go of the memories that stay close to me.
Just me holding on to them isn't healthy.
My present isnt really the best time.
I get more upset and less kind.
Don't have anyone to blame but myself.
In the end there is only life itself.
Thanking God that I am alive.
Even so I wonder why ?
Not getting younger and yet it seem so much harder.
Why can't I see myself going much farther.
It's because I don't like to let go.
Hurting so much that nobody knows.
Why is so hard for me to understand ?
Dammit man!
Doesn't help further when I don't talk about it.
Holding it all in like it doesn't exist.
I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.
Showing sign of me starting to erupt.
Please, I don't want to end this way.
Please allow me happier days.

Where I can outside and look at the sky.
To not feel as if I'm going to die.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

It's really sad.

As the day goes by so silently.
I sit here in my room quietly.
Not making a sound.
Why should I ? There's no one around.
I spend my time thinking what's wrong with me.
I don't want to go outside.
Instead I'm in here wasting time.
Struggling with the thought of the end.
What kind of person am I , I don't even talk to my friends.
Its like I stay away from everyone.
I wish I could explain why
 is this really  who I am.
It really sad.That I live like this.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Death Talks ( A note)

Outside the cold wind blows.
Feeling that somewhere Death is close.
All the feeling in my body goes numb.
Holding my head. feeling pretty dumb.
Where to go from here ?
Time to disappear.
Away from everyone and everything.
Sadness is the only thing that I bring.
Listening to folk saying this and that.
Those cold and insulting facts.
I can only ignore so much.
Now its time for me to erupt.
I have talked about it for so long.
It seems like everything that I do is wrong.
out of all these thoughts that exist in my mind.
Nothing is more certain that wanting to die.
To not exist.
To take the risk.
Say nothing and disappear like a ghost.
Here and gone like a puff of smoke.

In a Rut.

Why is that? What does it all mean?
I don't say much to people and people don't say much to me.

Does it mean I am bad person who can't have anyone at all?
Just look at the scars I have from taking a fall.
Scars remind me of what people have done.
Thinking about it makes me depressed and not want to have fun.
Don't just speculate or instigate, Give me a fucking Fact.
Done dealing with people like that.
Either text or call. It's to see how you are doing.
Is caring for someone the wrong thing ?

In the end, Its the choice you make that matters.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

So close and yet so far.

Whenever I try to get close, I end up far.
I know I don't know what the signs are.
So damn confusing.
Feels like I am always losing.
 So, Here I am again
Trying to understand
You and what you are all about.
Thinking you're slick with your smart mouth.
Telling me that I am cheap.
Saying mean things cause you think I am weak.
Well I got news for you.
That attitude you carry don't make you  look cool.
It makes you look like a sad excuse.
Treating me like shit.
You wonder why men refer to you as a bitch.
All these different reason on why you won't date this guy.
Got a nigga at home staring at the phone , thinking why.
After all the senseless drama, I have my mind made up.
Like tupac says " I just don't give fuck".
I aint desperate or thirsty.
Just would like to find someone who is worthy.

Monday, May 12, 2014

My Existence

People ask me How I'm doing I say I'm fine.
That's a lie cause I look sad all the time.
The life I live is something I have to deal with.
The world is like the sea and I'm just one of many fish.
I don't choose to wake up with my head hurting.
to get up, go out and start flirting.
What is wrong me? What is wrong with you.
People saying this that and the third.That shit ain't cool.
All I want is Peace.
Peace of mind for once Please.
No more looking back and doubting myself.
Focus on being me and not someone else.
For I must Speak up in order to be heard.
Listen close to these words.
You will not take me away from this.
I am here to stay. I do Exist.

Looking for IT

These days I wondering Where is my Head.
Nightmares keep telling me I better off dead.
The Pain  that i am feeling is everlasting.
Not eating much feels like I am fasting.
Seeing all these images on how I would die.
 Through all of that, How am I still alive?
What keeps me here and how can I find it?
Everyday I wonder about it.
That thing that keeps me here on Earth.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


In my head I already know.
That it is just me.
Over thinking.
Keeping to myself ,how could anyone know.
Know what is going on with me.
Knowing that I am constantly thinking
Thinking of what is best.
Thinking of where to go or what to do next.
In My mind
There are good and bad times.
Be grateful for the good
Learn from the bad.
I don't want to mess up.
Be cool and say I don't give a F**k.

Crucial Point

Walking down one road, heading down another.
When have we started to look down upon one another.
Standing back to back.
Defend from incoming attacks.
She's got your twelve, he has got your six.
One opportunity Make it count and don't miss.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Dark Cloud Over my Head.

As walk the street alone.
I put my hand in my pocket and look at my phone.
No missed called or messages.
Yup, the usual damage.
Thinking that people are too busy to care.
Seeing people mingle everywhere.
What does this mean?
Should this be concerning me ?
Inside my thoughts are dark as the road.
A road with a dead end and no place to go.
I lean my back against the wall.
Looking at the contacts who do I want to call.
I try a few times.
Nothing but a dead line.
I get sad that no one is there.
yea but that's life. Its not really fair.
Even around people, I have nothing to say.
It's like I have subconsciously took a vow of silence.
or I have completely erased my presence.
That's when people want to know what is wrong with me.
For over two years I have not exactly been happy.
I've been struggling.
Dealing with my depression.
Dealing with society's rejection.
Dealing with the very thought of what I am.
After reading all of this, Can you Understand ?

Nightmares Part 2.

Another Night, Another Nightmare.
Another night I get really scared.
Those dark hands that have their on grip me.
Shaking  me violently as I sleep.
I'm running for my life through the fire.
Only to a gate that is covered in barbed wire.
Not seeing a way out. I keep on running.
It's only a matter of time, They are coming.
I look and yell around  for help.
There is no one there, I am all by myself.
The longer I stay there, I longer I start burn.
Burning Alive and Not knowing Why.
Demons are hunting me like a prize.
Why I am here?
Maybe because before I wanted to disappear.
Now I am down in the pit.
I should have held it together and listened.

My Nightmare Part 1

As I close my eyes for the night.
I shake a lot and wake up with a fright.
Did I just have nightmare?
The images I saw made me realize I was scared.
Destruction of a town with my own hands.
How could I have done this? I don't understand.
Hearing the laughter behind me I turn around.
Shadowy figure that talks with hissing sound.
Its all your faultssss. Everyone is Dead because of you.
Don't be afraid, you anger is just one of many tools.
Suffering, then resentment and finally Hatred.
These things have made you go far.
Now all that's left is to leave behind that caring heart.
I see that scenario in my head.
All those people dead.
Capable of doing something like this?
Why would I want to exist.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I'm Not all that bad, Just Sad.

I wonder why I never get any breaks.
Society waits for me to make a mistake.
It laughs in my face.
Telling me that here I have no place.
What did I do ?
Can you explain cause I have no clue.
I thought I was doing the right thing as a friend.
It wasn't enough, person just didn't understand.
No love but plenty of hate.
Don't even have to do anything to make an enemy.
They are in plain sight, planning and waiting.
Maybe they are right.
I'm just too nice.
That was the way I was taught.
Choosing not to fight was the way I fought.
Fought through being neglected and rejection.
Doing my best to overcome this depression.
I don't need someone who just sees the bad.
I am only human
I'm not all that bad, just sad.

Monday, March 31, 2014

A Mystery

Since that time, I've thought of you.
Since that time I feel love has renewed.
A mystery that involves a smile.
A feeling I haven't felt in a while.
Saying your name in my head brings me joy.
I'm skipping around like I'm a little boy.
Why does it matter to me ?
The feelings I have for you make me happy.
Happiness that can last.
No further need to be sad.
Talking to you, bringing back memories.
Of those good time in the 90's.
How we both like writing .
Joking around makes life more exciting.
Your smile, it draws me in.
Like the Mona Lisa, I want to see you again.

Family is Important

A hard work man working a 10 hour shift.
A decent woman in the kitchen cooking fish.
A little boy who draws from imagination.
A little family in a big nation

What do they all have in common ?

Families should be together

The Fall

I feel as my soul has left.
I wake up out of breath.
Following the light out of this dark tunnel.
Finally outside.
One wrong step. the path begins to crumble.
Falling from an incredible height.
Looking to left then to the right.
The hand grabs onto a tree branch.
Can't hold on, starts to feel a cramp.
Loosing my grip.
I try reaching out again but i miss.
Splash! Into the river I go.
Surely now I must be dead, but no.
Fighting and Surviving.
That's all that I know.
We are all part of the struggle needing help.
Continue to take part, don't give up on yourself.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Street Talk( Inspired By Robert De Niro)

You want to help me, I want to help you.
I don't want help someone who uses me as a tool.
My kindness is for the people I choose.
Don't like it, pack ur shit up and move.
I'm here for me, not for you.
When I was too trusting ,
I was the fool.
My mind couldn't exist without something being there.
Sure being alone without someone to care.
Totally fair.
The thoughts are like puffs of smoke.
Harmless at first then I start to choke.
Dwelling on the past makes life unbearable.
Telling that information, have to be careful.
Who knows who's a rat.
Who knows who might stab you in the back.
Gotta be careful as walk down the street.
Not everyone you meet is friendly.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Past, Why am I thinking About it.

Nothing to do
Sitting in my room.
Staring at the ceiling.
I dislike having this feeling.
I am Alone and Single.
Don't even I want to mingle ?
When I open the door, I see
Nothing. Nothing at all.
I take a look at the phone.
What the hell, Not even a call.
Loneliness is in my blood.
Coming at me like flood.
Trying to escape this.
Is there a chance of me making it?
Getting my hopes up.
Feeling like I fucked up.
Why can't I just be me for a day?
Why is it hard trying to find what to say?
 I'm hiding behind the wall.
Truth comes out, I break down and fall.
Don't want to accept it but I got no choice.
I'm tired of wearing out  my voice.
Tired of this negative thinking and this empty space.
Yea, I think I need to move away from this place.
Bad memories and problems out the ass.
Feelings don't matter, they shatter just like glass.
Why am I still thinking about this shit?
It's not even worth it.
I need to go outside.
Not sit in the room and die from the inside.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

what is happening to me

The feelings inside me,are they even real ?
I'm lying down and don't even know what I feel.
Today has been strange.
Seriously things need to change.
Where do I start ?
Start by not falling apart.
Smile instead of looking so sad.
I am alive today, I should be glad.
My problem isn't physical
More like its mental.
Not sure of myself.
Feel like there is nothing left.
I can't visualize the good around me.
I have nightmares that just hound me.
I can't just sit around and wait.
Just have to believe and have faith.
Someday I will understand why i am this way.
Maybe then I could have a good day.

Love Experiences.

Love is on my mind.
So gentle and kind.
Its been a while since I felt that.
Since then my heart has had attacks.
Out of breath and feeling dizzy.
Hearing that you must think I'm crazy.
I have done bad things but I'm not a bad man.
So quick to assume but don't take time to understand.
Two years have gone by.
Since then I haven't really felt alive.
Holding my head as I cried.
Like a part has me has died.
Screaming out WHY!!
It has been hard  for me since then.
I told myself, never again.
I don't know, if I care like I did before.
This is Life, Who knows what in store.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Being Emotional isn't a Bad thing

Sitting inside my room writing down my thoughts.
Taking a sip from the drink I just bought.
Lately I notice that I've been usually Silent.
Hey at least I'm not resorting to violence.
As I thinking about what to write about.
Trying to understand my feelings as I let them out.
I am a Emotional being.
Writing sets my limited mind free.
I do run into dead-ends at times.
What brings me back is the truth, not lies.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I like how it works that way.

Everything goes wrong and don't know what to say.
I like how it works that way.
Walking around
Not making a sound.
Trip over a rock and fall to the ground.
In pain and don't know what to say
I like how it works that way.

People stare at me as I walk by.
Making me feel like some creepy guy.
Do they even have a reason why?
So confused and don't know what to say.
I like how it works that way.

Yet I'm still here
I made it to this year.
Little by little things are becoming clear.
If there is one thing I want is this.
To Exist.
and to have
Plenty of good days.
I can look back at this and laugh.
Then I'll say
I like how it works that way.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Loves mean Something, So why do I get Rejected.

What is wrong with me?
What is it that I am not seeing ?
All I said was that I like you.
So why do I end up feeling like a fool.
Is it do wrong to be attracted to someone.
Being rejected is something that happens often.
It makes things that much more difficult.
To find a person like that would take a miracle.
I find myself feeling sad about it.
The thought of crying, trying to resist.
Thinking that no woman would ever love me.
Even though I make an effort, all you see is thirsty.
Do you even what love is or what it means ?
Putting aside yourself for something worthwhile.
Feeling loves makes even an unhappy person smile.
That is what I aim for.
I'm not playing that chase game, there's the door.
Caring for what the person is about.
Overcoming the wave of rejection and doubts.
Love is something I consider important.
To share that feeling and let it remain constant.
If all you see what I look like and base it off that.
You won't find what you are looking for, might as well go back.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thoughts On Why I write

My writing helps me to take a look at myself.
Writing about myself and everything else.
Things that Ive gone through.
On somedays I just have no clue what to do.
When I write I see a lot of situations.
Seriously I should just change the station.
Most of what I see is bad.
Seeing myself feeling really sad.
When I'm done I post them on facebook.
To be honest, I wonder does anyone take a look.
I do this for me,
but some feedback would be nice for a change.

Just me thinking out loud. Not really a poem.

To all this people out there.
Saying that life is unfair.
Yes, it is.
What about me.
Do I think So ?
All the shit I've seen
This shit I've done.
Yet I'm still here.
I've survive all this.
I'm grateful.
I've could have been like
F**k Everybody
Brag what I've done for ppl.
But that's not me.
There is no satisfaction in that.
My Friends can accept me for who I am.
Able to Understand.
But don't force nothing on me.
I'm Human
I have a brain
I have a heart
I have a soul.
Without these three I'm just a hollow shell.
Sinking into Hell.

What really Happens at school.- A true Story.

During his break,  a guy was walking around.
Keeping to himself not making a sound.
Pulling out his notebook he begins to write.
As he looks up, he sees a pretty sight.
A Girl who walks into the room.
Her presense seems to erase all that gloom.
She sits one table away.
Thinking if they could talk, that would make his day.
Taking a chance, he goes over and says hi.
She just looks up and goes back to what she was doing.
Damn, That cold feeling.
He thinks to himself, is there something wrong.
All he would like is just to get along.
Sure, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
What is that suppose to mean?
At times He gets frustrated and walk out.
His mind filled with anger and doubt.
Believing that he meant to stay in the friend zone.
Starts to really wish that he was gone.
Toward the end of the day, he ends up a familiar spot.
A place with that high enough to make a drop.
He leans over the railing and closes his eyes.
Is this it? Do I really want to die ?
Suddenly he sees something.
Something that opens his eyes to endless possibilities.
Almost falling down to his death.
He grabs the railing, and takes a deep breath.
Laying on the  wall.
Grateful that he didn't fall.
He makes his way outstide.
Smiling that he sees the sun shining in the sky.

At least its something.

Living life with a smile on my face.
Moving around going from place to place.
I wave and say hello to everyone.
I'm outside laughing and having fun.
I like feel that positive reaction.
But, Happiness is only part of the fraction.
Where there is Happiness, Darkness waits.
Waiting for the right time to make its escape.
As it lurks in the shadows
Fear and Doubt also Follow.
Planning to corrupt the day.
Turning into some tragic play.
Suddenly I find myself lost in the mist.
Holding my head wondering why do i exist.
Wandering around hoping to find the way back.
Thinking that.
I have bad days and some good ones.
Its not over and I'm not done.
I'm still alive.
That's something right ?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Starting Back up again.

My thoughts feel Obsolete.
I feel incomplete.
This cage make life so depressing.
Trying to break free.
Here I go again.Time Wasting
Deal with these feelings.
So busy Chasing
Yet at the end it all.
All I did was Fall.
Why do I care so much about Yall.
People were there for me.
Cared for me.
Now Its time for me to think Logically.
Its not worth going insane.
Gotta start using my brain.
Reminding myself, I'm not playing no games
This my life, I know who I am.
If you been my shoes, then you can understand.
What it means to be man and have problems.
Settle down, Figure it out and solve them.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

a short poem. Trying not to Fall.

So busy worrying.
All I am doing is hurting.
Rejection is what I'm used to seeing.
Am I not a human being?
Let me breathe, Let me Exist.
I don't enjoy living like this.
Why is it so hard?
Reaching that place, its so far
I don't know the answers for the questions I seek.
My life is in God's hand.
At least He understands.
Only made one of me.
Told me that I am unique.
Giving me the ability
the Ability of writing.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Walking Thru Dirt.

I'm bare foot, just wandering through the dirt.
Seems I do nothing but express how to hurt.
Did it really have to come to this.
My feeling have left me, is that it.
Is that what was in store for me?
Wandering through dirt, is that my destiny?
Unbearable pain makes this journey insane.
Walking a bit more I see you on the grassy plain.
The grass feels soft under my feet.
I could stand there beside you, that would be neat.
It feels like a dream standing in this grassy field.
I cant stop now I have to continue up this hill.
This is hill is tough
Few steps more would be enough.
As I stand at the top, I look down.
Suddenly I realize there's no one around.
I didn't make it this far just to die.
I walked up that hill to feel alive.
I'm not all bad, but i do get sad.
Pushing my button can get me mad.
I hold myself back.
Don't need to have another attack.
Its a fact.
View me as I am.
Take the time to understand.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Sad Thoughts, Dark Thoughts,

As I walk, You enter my mind.
Thinking about now, was it all waste of time?
Trying to find right words to put on the line.
Those sad words that come up aren't mine.
They are from a broken man.
Crying from the pain, wiping away the tears with his hand.
Blaming himself.
Saying the fault is his and no one else.
Dealing with our problems is easier said than done.
Currently in my life, there is very little fun.
At times when I'm occupied,thoughts come into my head.
Thoughts can just break me like bread.
I want them to go away.
That would make my day.
The day where I can just say.
Dark thoughts you don't control me.
Listening to you will be the death of me.
Staying away from jealousy and envy.
I walk down my path peacefully.
Beyond me is  my destiny.
Who know what adventures will come.
As long as I remember where I came from.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Waiting around Sucks.

I aim
to not play games.
and to remain sane.I ask myself this question, is it me or is it this world.
Am I so simple that I just fall for one girl.
A girl who has stories to tell.
A girl willing to pull me out of my shell.
Someone I can just be myself around.
Hearing her voice such a lovely sound.
I been sailing through the sea of bullshit.
Yet, I wonder does she even exist.
 I do care for her to not turn me down.
 leaving leaves me with a frown.
"Lovely right"
I try and I try.
But no one in really into me.
God, I ask to send me a woman please
All I can do is be patient.
It get lonely in here just waiting.
I don't know, feeling I'm losing touch.
Honestly, This really sucks.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thinking about love in the New Year.

Staying inside the room,
That is all I do.
Wish I could do something new.
I keep thinking of you.
What you are doing?
How are you feeling?
I wonder about these things.
Can I admit to you? What would bring.
Would it bring a smile?
would you want me to be far away for a while.
I must wait for her to come find me.
Is that my destiny.
Time doesn't wait for anyone.
I have to continue to work, no time for fun.
This sucks, I'm only looking for one.
I wouldn't where to start.
Only that I know how to be far apart.
I see you and recognize your beauty.
That's only a part of the mystery.
I would like to know more about her.
Would this make this things better?
I hope so.
I find myself going through pain the most.
for these people I like.
Maybe they are right.
So give me the chance to fight.
I want to be there.
Isn't that at least fair?