Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Lesson

Do I really let things get to me?
Is that why I don't know my destiny?
Ignorant to know what my purpose is.
Do I need to ask someone; why I did this?
Wow reality, It hit me hard.
Hard enough but not to fall apart.
 Listening to the voices that give me hope.
I write these poems to help me cope
Dealing with disease know as depression.
Depression is the result of one harsh lesson.
I got too comfortable where I was at.
I went from being happy to having panic attacks.
Got to wake up and smell the coffee.
I can't be no one else but me.
Got to wake up and live my life.
Dealing with hard work and sacrifice.
That is what I have to do.
Learning this lesson is the only way to pull through.

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