Monday, December 17, 2012

Confused about what to say.

A difficult choice lies before me.
How do I know what I am feeling.
To feel so strongly for someone.
Not knowing what to say, I act dumb.
Man, I could be really stupid at times.
Trying to attract someone with a cheesy line.
Maybe I wouldn't be this bad if I was ok.
I should back off, try again another day.
Writing about it in my notebook.
After reading what I wrote, I gave it another look.
I should not come out so strongly about it.
Taking the time to be considerate.
I respect her because it is the right thing.
When is the right time to express my feelings?
Maybe later or just not all.
Fearing that she will say no, I tumble and fall.
When I fall down, I will rise up with my feet.
I know I am not perfect, at least I am neat.
Respecting those around me that care.
Who actually talk to me and not stare.

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