Friday, December 14, 2012

Feeling Blue-Literally

What makes me different from everyone in the room?
Facing everyone, I begin to talk about the color blue.
Blue is the color that is seen in the sky.
It can also be the color of someone's eyes.
Why is do I like blue. It's my favorite color.
I prefer it from all the others.
Yet, it can be describe a person's mood.
Not wanting to do anything or eat any food.
I take the time to sit and think.
My throat gets dry, I need something to drink.
Going to the fridge and picking out the blue mountain dew.
Drinking it and then returning to my room.
Starting to get an idea about a poem.
Telling my story on why do I roam.
As I roam in search of my destiny.
I should take life less seriously.
It's not good to always feel that way.
Feeling blue just ruins the day.
I enjoy seeing that color when I am outside.
Hearing the sound of the airplane passing by.
You know goes well with blue, the sun.
Sitting in the sky, and its the only one.
That is what makes that color unique.
Blue is the color that relates to me.

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