Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cleaning Up

Cleaning up seems to calm me down.
Even though I am done, I find myself with a frown.
There is nobody there.
I open the door and feel a breeze of cold air.
I slam that door and go back to room.
Christmas just passed, I still don't know what to do.
Lately A lot has been on my mind.
Been having headaches and black outs most of the time.
I should see a doctor and find out what is going on.
I shouldn't fear what out there, I have to be strong.
Going on and on about what I could have done.
No time for that, Take the time to have fun.
Friends who call to see if I'm alright.
Really wish I could sleep at night.
The year is over in about 5 days.
Praying for a miracle today.
I can't fall victim to this.
The devil's work known as depression.
It tells me I will fail at life.
Tempting me to go pick up a knife.
Barely escaping that horrible fate.
I know that I am not a mistake.
All I need to do is have faith.
God is there guiding me through the decision I will make.
Extending his hands.
In the end, I hope to understand.
What is my purpose here on Earth?

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