Sunday, December 16, 2012

Got to Go.

Wanting to go outside but I feel weak.
Not eating much, can't get any sleep.
Being stuck in this room is whack.
The plus side is I have plenty of snacks.
I ain't no bear ,but I do plenty of hibernating.
My pain feels worse at times, Am I fading?
I don't complain nor do I ask for much.
Listening to rock and saying I don't give a f**k.
When I eat, I like to make bake beans and rice.
That right there can keep me full all night.
People tell me that I need to change.
My mind is broken, nothing feels the same.
Friends have lives and I have mine.
Keeping my focus up, I walk down this straight line.
Who know who will I bump into along the way.
Today might feel bad, but tomorrow is another day.
I thank God for being alive right now.
He inspires me to good, even if I don't know how.
At times I feel like I am a monster.
That is just crazy talk, I am like the others.
Normal and just another human being.
What I like to do has a lot meaning.
It means a lot to me and that is a good thing.
My feelings expressed into poetry.
I have to continue.
Straight towards the goal.
To go into the world and out of the hole.

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