Monday, December 24, 2012

Sad On Christmas Eve

Today is Christmas's Eve.
I worked earlier and then I fell asleep.
I couldn't sleep at all had weird dreams.
Racking my brain, trying to figure out what it means.
I wake up to a loud noise.
Just someone tripping over some toys.
I wonder how everyone else is doing now.
I want to talk to them and I don't know how.
Around the holidays I tend to get really depressed.
I don't what causes me to be so stressed.
Due to the circumstances, it makes sense this year.
I didn't have faith and instead cowered in fear.
How can I accept what I've done?
How can I walk out the door to have fun?
I am responsible for my own actions.
Haunts me still, Why can't I get over this?
Struggling just to put a  smile on my face.
Holding myself so I don't lose my place.
At the end of the day coming back here to the room.
Memories of Me and You.
Now I have to go forward all by myself.
I dealt with enough pain, don't need anything else.
Hopefully this doesn't last much longer.
From this experience, I want to get stronger.

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