Friday, December 21, 2012

Communicating with the Outside.

Depression in a way is like a curse.
The more I hold it in, it gets worse
At times, When I need someone to talk with.
What I here the most is, I have to take care of this.
I understand people are busy, so am I.
Out of the entire day, could at least call one time.
It wouldnt hurt to, I am not forcing you.
It wouldn't hurt to for you to come through.
Communication is the key. that is what I believe.
I am here to be honest, not to decieve.
I don't text much, I would rather call.
Call to see if you are ok, that's all.
Each day something something new comes around.
Hearing the phone ring once would be an interesting sound.
I would like to know if there is someone special out there for me.
For now, I have to wait patiently.

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