Thursday, December 13, 2012

Peaceful Mind

I believe one day that I will have peace.
Having faith in God allows me to see.
He is a guide, showing me the path to destiny.
I am only a man, a man who considers feelings.
Being someone who thinks of helping others.
Like a son who is there for his mother.
She lies on the bed, he gives her a cover.
Knowing that is good to help out one another.
Going to school, learning something new each day.
Before I leave here I have something to say.
Thank you Lord for showing me way.
I know that you are there for me always.
Helping me when I fall to the ground.
Listening to that heavenly sound.
There are people who care that are around.
Telling me there is no reason to look down.
A reason to feel happy and to overcome fear.
Knowing that God is near.
Telling that I am suppose to be here.
I have been alive on earth for 24 years.
Even so, I am know I am not alone.
It's too soon to think that hope is gone.
The earth is big, too big to roam.
Thank God for giving me a cellphone.
If I have to defend someone, I'll fight.
It is a good thing that I like to write.
Through the window, the sun is really bright.
It was good day today, here comes the night.
As I think of memories, ah good times.
Waiting for that special person, that's fine.
Sometimes it is hard to think of a rhyme.
Putting it altogether makes up a line.
Who knows I could be wrong.
Man this poem is really long.
Adding some music, it could be a song.
Having confidence in myself , I feel strong.

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