Friday, December 14, 2012

Walking Around.

As I walk around the school.
Walking around with no one to talk to .
Everyone's eyes glued to that little screen.
I mean what ever happened to just talking.
Is it a crime to just take a look.
Fuck the nook
If I want to read, I'll get a book.
Its all about technology these days.
Where is the technology that tells me what to say.
Can you be friends with an I pod or p.c?
Man, do I miss the 90's.
A simpler time, full of imagination.
Back then, I got the attention.
Now I am just ignored.
People want to talk to me when they're bored.
Hate when that happens, It really sucks.
Does it really take much?
Being able to talk to someone.
It's not just here.
I don't being viewed as weird.
Why should I act differently?  I don't want to change.
So what if I'm into rock music and video games.
That is who I am.
Honestly, is there someone that can understand ?
I am normal. I am a human being.
It doesn't matter what you think.

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