Friday, December 28, 2012

Feelings Inside of Me.

Concerning myself with my destiny.
What are these feelings that are inside of me?
I ask for assistance from the Lord above.
To show someone kindness and love.
My attempts at communication seem to useless.
Even when I am trying to be considerate.
I really don't know how to go about it.
Should I stay silent and keep my distance?
To not feel hurt anymore, that would make sense.
I stay away and help myself.
Sooner or later I will have to ask for help.
Is there anyone who is willing to be kind?
Kind and considerate to be willing to spend some time.
I wonder who she is, does she really exist out there ?
Am I Delusional?
To receive nothing more than just cold air.
I am always cold, I could use a little heat.
Not too much, just enough so I don't freeze.
When will the day come? I hope it does come soon.
I have been waiting a long time just to meet you.
Someone that doesn't mine sharing.
Being there for one another and always caring.
I'm content with I will find, nothing more.
That is what I seeking, and what I am fighting for.

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