Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hard to Smile.

For me, I realize it is hard to smile.
Something that I haven't done in a while.
At times when stuff happens, I blame myself.
Feeling really down, I ask someone for help.
Please tell me what can I do?
"The answer lies within you."
I rack my brain trying to figure that out.
Not getting anywhere, I start to have doubts.
I wonder is there any hope for someone like me.
I have said some mean things that i didn't mean.
Blaming myself for the loss of some friends.
Ready to jump because no one understands.
Thinking really hard,I say "let me not end my life."
Can't no longer hold back, I start to cry.
As the tears roll down the side of my face.
I walk away leaving behind that terrible place.
Walking to that grassy field over there.
I see an airplane flying through the air.
I don't always have to be down.
I know that time is short and won't always be around.
Time to start looking up and feeling better.
Looking forward to the good weather.
My heart tells that I should go back home.
I take my walking stick and begin to roam.
When I finally get there, I finally understand.
I can't save everyone but, I will do what I can.

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