Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Will I be Allright Someday?

Am I allright?
This is a question that people should ask themselves?

When I do something wrong, I feel it.
What I can do to except to fix this.
The stuff that has happened in my life.
I am older now, but still I am not allright.
What should I do?
God, I need you
In these hard times, it is rough.
Can't let the stares get me down. Enough is Enough.
What is it about me that you have to stare.
I am different though, I actually care.
What you say to me doesn't matter.
Saying all that about me is useless chatter.
I wish I didn't feel this way.
Completely ruins the day.
Wish there was someone to talk on outside.
Who wouldn't mind spending some time.'
Is it possible for it happen to me.
Continually following my destiny.
I am alone now, but I know this won't last forever.
It hurts now, not having that special person.
Not talking about it, the pain just worsens.
How much longer will it be before I am allright.
How much longer before I can sleep at night.
Feeling exhausted like I just fought.
Having nightmares and distrubing thoughts.
When will it stop? I just want to be me again.
I want to be Jin...

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