Monday, December 17, 2012

I Dream of Love.

Laying on a bed, getting some rest.
I had a dream about someone that I met.
Coming to me, I knew it had to be a dream.
Even still I wonder, what does it all mean?
Is there someone out there?
Someone who is willing to care.
My mind does take me very far.
Even though life is at times hard.
I like to think about good that can happen.
Me and that person just laughing.
I wish I knew what they look like.
I guess when it happens, it will be a suprise.
Considering her feelings and she considers mine.
I will love her for all time.
That is the kind of person I am.
Willing to listen and able to understand.
Sticking with her until the end.
Meeting her is a mystery, who knows when.
I pray it happens on a sunny day.
When my mind is right and I know my way.
Following the road that leads to her heart.
She is light that shines in the dark.
Right now, I can only dream about this.
When the time comes, I want to be sure about it.

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