Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Way Forward.

To let go, at times it can really hard.
What had happened, and how it fell apart.
I look around, saying what do I do.
The way is blocked, have to find another way through.
Demons and distractions can distract me from my goal.
I will not listen to them, I have to fulfill my role.
I know what I have to do, but how to begin.
Not finishing what i have started, that would be a sin.
Looking out for those who are important to me.
Meeting them was a just a part in finding my destiny.
They are important to me, but I have to help myself.
At times when it gets bad, I don't wIant to involve no one else.
Life gets harder
Enemies get smarter.
Even so after everything that has happened,  I continue on.
God smiles from above telling me that hope isn't gone.
He leads me in the path that I should go.
I thank him for what I know.

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