Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Dream

Love is being faithful.
Love is the light that shines.
Times when able, I can be helpful.
When I write, Love flows into the rhyme.
There are times when darkness comes around.
Creeping behind me without making a sound.
Suddenly a light comes to life, shining brighter than the sun.
Darkness had no chance, Love has won.
Seeing me on the ground, it touched my face.
Getting really nervous, my heart began to race.
Love has smile at me, telling me to be not be afraid.
Don't not get pulled down by the mistakes that you have made.
God will forgive you and you will meet someone special.
Could I believe those words?  I believe so.
Having faith in myself  to achieve my goal.
It was God who saved me from that hole.
I cannot wait, when will I meet her?
"One day"  Love replied, "now get out of the dirt."
Shaking the dust from my shirt and pants.
Suddenly my legs move and I am able to dance.
Feeling joy like a cheerful boy.
Now as a man, I begin to understand.
Love was telling me to not give up hope.
That's True.
Keeping myself motivated with writing helps me cope.
I am going to continue forward, good or bad.
If I am alone, I will not be sad.
Don't concern yourself with everyone else.
Letting everything get to me feels like hell.
When I'm myself, having feelings for someone.
I will wait, Don't want to ruin it for them.
Consider her feelings, it's not time yet.
I need to be careful on what to do next.
I don't want to hurt anyone,including myself.

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