Friday, November 9, 2012

In the end, the sun will shine.

In the end the sun will always shine.
I believe in that almost every time.
When I lose hope, I start to pray.
God, please allow today to be a good day.
I don't want to be sad anymore.
Finding something to write about instead of being bored.
I know that I am not alone.
God is here.
When I walk down the road, I shall have no fear.
No one will take away my smile.
It really has been a while.
I smile for what lies ahead.
Having peanut butter with some bread.
Dreams don't end, only if I give up.
Focusing on what I need to.
Knowing that I need to change for me not you.
Not giving into temption.
Not looking for any attention.
I may not have many friends.
Just need a few that understand.
What it means to be there for one another.
They mean that much to me like brothers.
Playing games and cards.
Having a bond unable to break apart.
When I tell my story, please understand me.
It's so that I don't live in that nightmare, not for pity.
People who think that, I cannot stand.
Standing up to them without violence proves I am a man.

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