Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Seasons Change.

The leaves fall from the tree.
Cloudy outside, wind makes it really breezy.
Time to put on a hood or jacket.
Black Friday comes around, always a racket.
This year has come to a close.
What will the next year bring? Who knows.
I am looking forward to the spring.
Everything starts fresh.
Don't know what to do next.
Have to prepare myself.
Guiding me, the lord does give me help.
Can't wait for the the summer.
Unlike last time it won't be a bummer.
Running into that special someone that I will meet.
It could be days from now or maybe next week.
I am looking  forward to sharing these emotions.
Love and care put it into motion.
Coming back to me now are the good times.
I will write it down on these blue lines.
Writing is something that I believe is a gift.
Given to me from above, Without question, I accept it.

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