Friday, November 16, 2012

Out of the Dark.

Walking alone in the dark.
Monsters lying in wait, wanting to rip you apart.
Enemies plotting against me.
Going around, losing everything.
Where to go, what to do.
I need guidance because I have no clue.
Sitting in alone in the damn room.
Need to leave that all behind me.
Planning with precise timing.
At the end of the day my plan is set.
Praying on what to do next.
The future waits for no one at all.
Taking action is benefical than a fall.
When I fall down, time to get up.
No need to get mad and erupt.
I calm myself down with memories.
Memories that are filled with positivity
Respecting the distance between me and them.
I want no more problems with them again.
That time is over. but I was still be the same.
Some habits I need to break and to make a change.
Life goes on and I can't just sit back.
Doing that will that just leave me in the past.

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