Friday, November 30, 2012

Feeling Good on a different day.

Today is a diffrent day, I feel good.
The past is behind me like it should.
Thanking God for the friends I have.
It actually feels good to able to laugh.
I don't need the negativity.
All it does it just give me anxiety.
Another trip to the hospital that I don't need.
Taking it slow, Feeling content with being me.
School is almost done.
Can't celebrate yet, I haven't won.
Knowing that the end is always hard.
Faith is my calling card.
Helping me to believe in myself.
Doing my own thing and knowing when to ask for help.
I am not a burden or a plague.
I walk around with a smile on my face.
Knowing that you can't take that away.
I don't need a person who declares judgement.
Unless it's God, Not looking for punishment.
I had up to here with people's misunderstandings.
Can't agree with what you are saying.
Do you even know who Iam.
What I've been through, Can you understand.?
I am not the only one in the world with problems.
I am taking the time to solve them.
Praying that I will achieve my goals.
I am going to stick with what I know.
That is the way I've been since the start.
Holding myself to not break apart.
It took me a while to get here.
I choose kindness and consideration over fear.

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