Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fond Memories: Smash Bros.

In the year 1999, a certain game hit the stores.
It was four player fighting game for the N64.
I got this game as a birthday present.
To tell you one thing, I will never regret this.
Nintendo characters going at it.
Mario with a Hammer, DK with his fists.
Yoshi throwing eggs and Kirby doing a split.
In this game, You can be on a team.
They gave me Fox, against Mario and Luigi.
This game is crazy so much you can do.
Heading to saffron city to fight Pikachu.
Smashing Targets and Boarding platforms.
Getting back after getting smashed from the board.
Link has so many freakin projectiles.
Fox reflects everything, bomb blows me away for miles.
Samus is tricky especially her screw attack.
Moving out of the way to avoid the dumb blast.
Lava totally sends Samus on her way.
I taunt as she flies high. Have a nice day.
I find myself facing my clone.
Metal Mario is really stubborn like a stone.
With the help of barrel, he falls all the way down.
Polygon Team is bullshit, teaming up and smacking me around.
At last I finally reach the end.
Just to face this motherF**ker, Master Hand.
Shooting me with missles, Pimp slaps, and Rockets.
What the hell is this. I just want to pull the plug outta the socket.
I keep going kick the crap out of this thing.
Finishing him off with the coin punch, Bling bling.
The credits roll and I thought I was done.
New Character appears, Oh what fun.
Another pokemon that likes putting me to sleep.
With my random combos, B**th get off the screen.
Oh man, those were the days.
Damn it, where is that controller now I want to play

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