Thursday, November 22, 2012

I am Human.

I have feelings like everyone else.
Living in a room, all by myself.
I have no problem with facing the fact.
That at times I do get stuck in the past.
It make me feels like I don't do anything.
What have I done and what does it mean?
My anger can make me look like a fool.
Who lets little things make him lose his cool.
Coming to agreement with people is hard.
Especially when it come to life, it can rip you apart.
I have to hold on though it is tough.
Walking on a road that is smooth then rough.
Rough times, what comes from that is a lesson.
At times I ask myself, am I being tested?
Anxiety can cause me to crumble real quick.
Mind falls apart and my body feels like s**t.
Going to hospital to hear my blood pressure high.
Learning how to calm down and make things right.
Taking meds and expressing my thoughts in poetry.
Remembering the days when I climbed trees.
I miss that a lot, whatever happen to that kid.
It"s like I played hide and seek with myself and just hid.
Stay for years in a layers of a thick shell.
Here I am scared of the world, What the hell?
Afraid to know anyone and how they would react.
Not eating right but can sure load up on snacks.
Not able to sleep or being able to dream.
Will this pain go away? Will I be free.
Time waits for no one so let see what happens.
I pray for a positive reaction.
I don't need to alone anymore.
Been there, In life there is so much more in store.
Waiting as seconds go by.
Doing something positive is better than wasting time.

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