Thursday, November 8, 2012

God is With me Always.

Where I am come from, does it matter.
I look for hope that doesn't shatter.
Keeping hope Alive.
It allows me to sleep at night.
 Remembering that Jesus died for our sins.
 Guided by faith allows me to win.
 Without him, I don't know where I would be.
 Probably contemplating jumping into the sea.
 That is just devil talk.
 God's path is the way I walk.
My friends and family are smiling.
 I stand up and say, No more crying.
 I am tired of being down and sad.
 Looking all around and Getting Mad.
That attitude has got to go.
 Telling that old snake, NO!
Crawling out of that hole, I am done.
My friends are waiting, I want to see the sun.
 With it shining in the sky, it feels comfy.
 Add a little wind to make breezy.
 Going home with a smile on my face.
 I want to make sure to end up at Jesus's place.
 Praising him and thanking him for guidance.
With God, friends and family makes the best alliance
Watching over me as I go back to house.
I go back with no fear and without any doubt.

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